Aida | Tones on the Stones Festival | immersive video mapping

The Aida opera set in ancient Egypt represented inside a marble quarry. A long project in the making, one year ago I visited the stone mine for the first time. A unique site to represent the virtual scenarios of ancient Egypt inside the Tones on the Stones Festival, it’s 10th edition. We used 6 video preojectors combined for the 270 degree video mapping in order to create an immersive experience for the audience: immerse in archaeological site of acient Egypt, being catapulted inside the most antique culture for 2 hours. Premiere 20.07.2019 @Domodossola, Cava la Beola di monte, Italy.


Ödypus Tyrann - Staatstheater Darmstadt - 2019


No Gravity - Domodossola - 2019